

Cirlce2Learn follows research and evidence based best practices for higher learning including the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework as well as Response to Intervention (RTI). We understand that the broad range of diversity in our schools have resulted in an equity gap for various demographic groups. We also know that a lack of infrastructure or resources may exist that impede equitable access to instruction. Our methods aim to close learning and equity gaps by providing an additional layer of support for teachers and students regardless of what school, district or county they are located.

Circle2Learn Curriculum

  • Participating students identified by district benchmark assessments and teacher input
  • Inclusive and adaptive foundational skill mastery at current achievement levels
  • Upward scaffolding to increase success towards grade level proficiency
  • Intensive progress monitoring with learning specialists and teacher collaboration
  • In person small group instruction model provides individualized learning paths to increase achievement
  • State assessment aligned question and response types increases practice opportunities prior to high stakes exams

Learning Specialists and Site Success Managers

  • Site Success Managers handle logistics of Circle2Learn implementation with site and district administrators
  • Learning Specialists become “Circle Certified” to ensure delivery of high quality academic and behavioral support
  • Our staff are comprised of aspiring educators, prior teachers and administrators to ensure that the needs of all stakeholders are met
about us

Value Added:

Increased attendance
Academic Success
Valuable Partnerships
Satisfied Stakeholders